163. Victoriano Huerta

Dude sucks.

We’re back and boy, we’re talking about a real bastard here: Victoriano Huerta! We’re joined by returning favorite Andres Becerril returns as Zach helps find an escape, Andres climbs into the ring, and Brian analyzes a Coppola film.

CONTENT WARNING: Targeting of civilian populations, genocide

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120. Spring-Heeled Jack

Spring-Heeled Jack, terror of Victorian England.

Spring-Heeled Jack, terror of Victorian England.

Lock the door, it’s part 2 of 3 in our annual Halloween Spooktacular! We’re so excited to have the wonderful Gena Radcliffe (co-host of Kill by Kill and writer for The Spool) join us to talk about the bizarre story of Spring-Heeled Jack. Zach has The Boss on the brain, Brian dives into the robust Victorian justice system, and Gena tells us of brand-new invention, you know, for kids.

*NOTE* So, there is a slight audio problem with this episode. One of the tracks accidentally exported with a click track, and by the time we caught it, it was too late to get rid of completely. We did the best we could, but it is noticeable at times. BUT! This is episode was so much fun and we hope it doesn’t bother you.

Episode 76: The Beast of Gevaudan

Trick or Treat, boils and ghouls! Welcome to this year’s Halloween Spooktacular! The hellarious Mitch Jones (Ditch Bones?) joins us to talk about the Beast of Gevaudan! Zach calls out cows for being grass traitors, Mitch talks about the best way to shoot a werewolf, and Brian gets Gritty with it!

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